Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Second draft of magazine cover

Through these re -drafts I can see what I need to improve on. for example this draft looks amateur with simple fonts. It also looks boring and would not attract the target audiance on a shop shelf. I need to re-think the colour scheme and layout of my images and text.


  1. I like the colours used, they go well with the black and white image but its quite dull, but it still works well. Soprano should be more bold maybe add some effects to it on photoshop.
    'The Quickstops' should be in a different type of font and more to the right or below the image so we can properly see the band. Overall I like it :)

  2. The first thing that I think is good about your magazine front cover is the way you have edited the central image by having it in black and white. I think this is really effective as it contrasts to the text on the page which makes the magazine stand out and look very eye-catching. The second thing that I think is good about your magazine is your title block. I think this is good as it is very eye-catching and a good use of font. I also believe that the colour you have chosen (dark red) makes the magazine stand out which would be helpful if the magazine was on the shelves competing against other rival magazine.
    The first thing that I think could be improved would be the small use of text that is used on the front cover. I think this could be improved just by adding a little more text around the central image so the space is filled more so there isn't any empty spaces. The second thing that I think could be improved would be the way you have used your image. The image is very squeezed which makes the image look un-authentic and not like a real music magazine. This could be improved by cropping the image at both sides so that the band just fit as the central image, failing that you could use a image that was taken as a portrait. :)

  3. Good Points :
    * The image is great :) taken by a great gal! But seriously the image looks very professional in black and white.
    * All the little boxes of text look very attractive and professional (need more slogans and puffs though)
    * I like the £2.50 sign, looks attractive :)

    Things To Improve:
    * Make the image larger, to take up more of the fron cover.
    * Change your colour scheme :)

  4. I really like the image of your front cover is very professional and the colors are chosen very well and is really effective to look at. However I think that your page is a little empty. There is very good choice of colors on the page Alex and I think it complements your genre very well.
