Friday, 4 February 2011

first draft of 3 page article


  1. The first thing that I think is good about your magazine article is the layout, and how the text is presented. I like this because the text boxes are all in alignment with each other with makes the page look very organised and tidy which is what a real magazine on the shelves would look like. The second thing I like about your magazine is the text you have at the bottom of every page, including the page number, date, and website which makes the magazine look really authentic and is exactly what a real magazine would do.
    The first thing I think can be improved on your magazine is the way you have used your images and your text, particularly on your double page spread. I believe this could be improved as the image is squeezed very tightly to fit on the page, which makes the magazine look less authentic as the image is squished together and could easily be improved by cropping the image to allow it to fit or using a more suitable image. Also the fact that your title is overlapping your image on your double page spread makes it look less realistic to what a typical music magazine looks like, which could be improved by making the text smaller and having it so it fits to one page. The second thing I think could be improved is the use of colours and fonts. There are a small use of colours on your feature article which makes it look very bland when it could look very exciting and eye-catching. Also combined with the use of different, more vibrant fonts this would improve your magazine greatly and make it more appealing to your target audience. :)

  2. Good Points:
    * The images used work very well, also where youve placed them on the layout works well too :)
    * The text layout is good.

    Things To Improve:
    * 'Fresh Talent' is a good idea. But I think that Fresh should be more on the left side in white (to stand out) but Talents in the right place.
    * I like the idea of the spirals at the top, but maybe you could make them look more decorative and attractive.
