Wednesday, 16 February 2011

new draft for magazine cover

Today I changed my magazine title to make it more interesting and apply to my target audience which is females from the ages of 16-24. I also added a CD cover on the Magazine cover, to show that I have skills in creating CD covers also.

Also this is what my magazine would look like without the CD on the cover.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

text of 3rd page

Second draft for music magazine cover

Second draft of my article

Today's research

Today I had found out how to plan my magazine contents page, and the order all the topics should be in.

Page order/ conventional

  • feedback/letters
  • news articles
  • new artists
  • articles (features)
  • posters
  • live reviews
  • album reviews
  • gig listings.
I found out that all of these topics are conventional for a magazine, and this will help me to plan my own contents page.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Second draft of magazine cover

Through these re -drafts I can see what I need to improve on. for example this draft looks amateur with simple fonts. It also looks boring and would not attract the target audiance on a shop shelf. I need to re-think the colour scheme and layout of my images and text.