Monday, 13 December 2010

Analysing block titles

I will demonstrate how the title of a magazine can interpret what genre the magazine will be and its target audiance.

Big bold red letters which stands out and is a short title which keeps the audience interested and the 3 main colours red, black and white.

the word vibe is a music genre word which indicates that the magazine is a music magazine, whilst the word vibe is a slang word for vibration which is an explanation of the strings on a guitar, revealing the genre to be indie/ rock.

The 3 contrasting colours could symbolise that the magazine has a variety of readers and caters to a wider audience, and the red could symbolise passion for music.

Font style
The font is similar to bold Ariel doesn’t use serifs which shows a dedication to music but the size of the font represents the loudness of the magazine and the great music which would entertain the audience,

Suggested image
Of all the attributes of the title block I would assume that the magazine is a indie/ rock genre and would cater to audiences such as teenagers and young adults.

The big bold letters assist the luminous colour which helps it stand out and catch the audience’s attention. The name of the magazine ‘the source’ helps the magazine gain gravitas as we associate the word ‘the’ in front of words or names of people we believe to be important so the word ‘the’ makes the magazine seem more important.

the colours of the magazine are different which could symbolise that there are many aspects of the magazine which could cater to more then one type of audience, and the phrase ‘the source’ could symbolise that the magazine is where you get all the information from about this kind of music.

The two contrasting colours luminous yellow and black could symbolise a kind of grunge magazine as the colours do not match like it is out of the ordinary.

Font style
The font is similar to bold Ariel doesn’t use serifs which shows a dedication to music but the size of the font represents the loudness of the magazine and the great music which would entertain the audience, but the sideways of the word ‘the’ gives an interesting twist to the magazine.

Suggested image
All the attributes of the title including the grunge style colours and the font style help identify that the magazine is a grunge, rock genre style magazine and that the target audience would be young adults to middle aged men.

The letter ‘Q’ is short for an acronym, it is short for the name of the man who raised the magazine which can also associate a mysterious ideal magazine which is ‘Quieten Richardson’.

the bold letter and bright background symbolises the sophistication of the magazine which helps the magazine gain more readers as it appeals to people as they believe if they buy a sophisticated magazine then they will be sophisticated also.

The colours red and white could symbolise England, which shows it’s an English magazine and has English angles to music.
Font style
This kind of letter has a serif which shows a classy aspect of the magazine. And that it is the first letter of a mans name.

Suggested image
A classy magazine is imagined as the block title is an interesting example of sophisticated magazines and how they will have music but not any explicit music which helps understand who the target audience is, which is children from all ages men and women.

The meaning of the title is ‘new musical express’, most magazines shorten their title which is called abbreviation, this is to make the title short and to the point which would attract the reader, to catch their attention.


The bold letters have a bold outline which signifies the magazines contents will be loud, daring and interesting, which will appeal to its target audience which could be an indie/ rock audience as these colours represent being loud and interesting music.

The 3 colours of red, white and black are interesting as normally a background would be white and the outline would be black but here it is the other way round, which gives a significant idea that the magazine will explore all kinds of different music.
Font style
The font style looks like Ariel Black which is excellent for a magazine that was to stand out to readers on a shop shelf, and this title has grasped it as its bold font gives the reader the impression that the magazine will be exciting and different.

Suggested image
An epic and diverse magazine is interpreted as it will be unlike all the other magazines in the market as the font style along with the colours create an impact that catches the readers eye.

The word mojo originally means a charm or a spell. But now it’s more commonly said meaning sex appeal or talent.

the magazines title has a black shadow, which would signify its importance and that the magazine will be exciting and interesting for its readers, this magazine could be a kind of rock and roll magazine or old style magazine.

The colour scheme of black and white with a black shadow could show that the magazine has a old style that will attract readers as it is a genre that has a gap in the market at the moment.
Font style
This font looks like Berlin Sans FB which has no serif but has a more sophistication to it. Which attracts readers as you can tell by the title what kind of genre it is, as you wouldn’t have a rock magazine with serif writing.

Suggested image
This magazine is interesting as it seems to be a rock and roll magazine also the genre of rock and roll has faded throughout the generations, so the gap in the market may impress readers with this magazine.

Kerrang is onomatopoetic; it refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar, for anyone who knows about music they would know that electric guitars are used in genres such as indie and rock, and automatically tells the reader that the magazine is an indie, rock magazine.

The Title of the Magazine’s design is very grunge as it looks smashed, this represents how rock legends smash there guitars at concerts, which tells the audience that the magazine will be based on the genre of indie/rock.

The use of the colour black shows the stereotype of indie band members or singers constantly wearing black, this could be related to the features in there magazine to keep the colour in the magazine the same,
Font style
This font looks similar to Algerian which is not sophisticated or fancy but is a kind of different style to any other magazines, which will attract the reader, the diverseness of the titles font shows that it is a loud kind of style of music.

Suggested image
This magazine will be loud and have a colour trend of black as it is an indie style magazine with interesting features which will stand out amongst other magazines.

The breakdown of the title ‘mix’ shows that the magazine has a variety of content in the genre and the ‘mag’ is obvious as together it means that the magazine will have varieties of different style of music.

the title of the magazine is very light and looks different from other magazines which could make the genre a dance style magazine.

The colour and shade of orange is different from other magazines as the colour orange is normally used in rock magazines but in a darker shade to show individuality, but here it is to show how fun the magazine will be.
Font style
This font looks similar to Eras Bold ITC it is big and has no serif, but has a bright colour which reveals how the magazine is lively.

Suggested image
The magazine will be a dance magazine that has a lot of colour and will be interesting to the reader as there is a gap in a dance music magazine.

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