The Semiotics language used in this 3 page article is like an academic quality as it is formal language, which introduces a professional approach. This language could appeal to the audience as they would think that he is a man who has been around for three decades and he is very inspirational. ‘the shift into two nine is alkalito to Thompson’s acid, a stomping acoustic blues borrowed from lightning Hopkins but imbued with a banjo hoedown spirit’
The magazine addresses the reader like an interview as the article is set out in a way that the reader observes the article as a point of view, that the article asks questions and we get the interviewee giving a detailed description
The font in this article is Sans Serif as the person asking the questions is writing in bold letters which look to be Ariel Black, and the interviewees writing is clean and looks professional, like Ariel. This persuades the audience to believe that the artist is serious about his music and that he is a legend who knows what he is talking about . This font is a regular occurrence on all pages this represents the artist how he was a constant through all the years of ‘Led Zeppelin’ then to do his own music afterwards.
The paradigm is laid out that the article is 3 pages, the first page is a picture surrounded by text and the second page is a picture that takes up most of the page and hen some text by the side of it, then the third page is all text which makes an even amount of text and images, which gives the audience a visual idea and reading idea.
The images used in this article are very important as they can persuade a reader on who they think the artist is, and how they see them , the artist on the first page is a long shot so we can see his body positioning and what kind of costume he wears which shows what kind of artist is. Since he is sitting on a chair with his feet up he looks very relaxed and he is looking up not directly at the camera.
The article picture isn’t similar to any other picture on the magazine , so it represents that there are many sides to this artist and that he has different styles not like most artists who has just one.
The article shows the artists background and how he presents himself and his music through the text but also shows his costume and facial expression through the images, this is through out the article which shows a sense of routine and similarity to the article.